Exercises for the hips

Every woman dreams to have a slim waist, but hated the fat on the hips, sometimes preventing you from reaching your goal. If you regularly perform exercises for the hips, with this problem, it is possible to say goodbye, obtaining, as a prize, the vespa life. A complex will help you to do and how to organize the training, please read on.

General rules for the execution

exercises to slim hips

Do the exercises for the hips, as you can in the house and in the hall, but it is important to follow some rules, which will improve their effectiveness:

  • Do preferably before lunch or in the late afternoon. The best option before breakfast or after 2-3 hours after it. You can choose a different time, but in any case, comply with one important condition – it is better to perform a workout at the same time of day.
  • If you want to reach a quick, durable result, engaged in no less than 3 times/week. Fitness trainers advise to do so and not for at least a day.
  • It is desirable, for the exercises for the hips have become a necessary component of regular training. However, you can and out of complex activities to spend time, engineering of these muscles. Be that as it may, before proceeding to the main complex, necessarily in need of training, to prepare the muscles to work, eliminate the risk of injury.
  • It is advisable to combine the work on the muscles with the exercises – this will faster to remove the fat.
  • In whatever way you can perform the exercises for the hips, and between them they do not need to make big breaks – a maximum of half a minute. In this regard, it is necessary to plan the complex so it was easy to exit from a previous motion in the following.
  • It is not necessary to work to the limit of their ability. If you feel pain during the execution of these or other movements, reduce the load or the intensity of their completion. After a while, the more muscle mass strong, and the execution of the manipulations with the body for you will be much more of an easy task.
  • You can't eat an hour before workout and after, you can't eat for 2 hours, otherwise to lose weight does not work, at least, quickly.
  • Drink water throughout the day, but preferably in the evening, to reduce consumption to a minimum. The volume of glasses of water should be about 2 l. drinking water small a quantity as possible during the lessons.

Respect need and another important rule, which does not directly relate to the workouts, but it is relevant to the efficiency of weight loss, combat the fat in the problem areas. Adjust the power mode. It is recommended that you eat small meals 5-6 times/day. Eating is only necessary for useful products, and the diet must be balanced.

The most important rule of success – lessons, their regularity.

Effective exercises to lose weight hips

During the lessons it is possible to use a variety of sports services to increase the load. In this case, we can obtain not only greater efficiency in the combustion of fats, but also the appearance of muscle mass. You can give volume to the visual, if with a lot of exaggeration, then you should not use overloading more than 1 time/week.

Regardless of the fact that it only works with the muscles side turns on this unit in total employment, starting in each case it is necessary with training units.


exercise for weight loss

The duration is about 7-10 minutes.

In the warm-up units can enter the following simple in the execution of the movement:

  1. Feet, exactly, do we tilt the head forward, then backward 20 times.
  2. Are attracted upwards, she rose to her tip-toes and stretching her hands upward. Then again occupy a starting position in the foot exactly. Repeat the exercise 20 times.
  3. By placing the feet at shoulder width and hands at the waist, cant bust to the left and to the right – in each of the parts for 15 times.
  4. Standing in the position in which the hands on the waist and legs apart at shoulder width, we tilt the torso forward. When the right hand tries to reach the toes of the left foot, and then vice versa. Such manipulations in each side needs to do to 10.
  5. Draw smooth circles with the hands, moving them to the first 10 times clockwise, and then the same number of times against her.
  6. The sitting position, with your back straight. Each of the squat pulling in front of him hands on a regular basis.

The main part

In it are exercises for women weight loss the side, aiming to remove it from their fat, the pull on the muscle mass. For their execution in the form and the conditions of the house.

Very effective exercises with dumbbells:

  1. The slopes of the mountain. For a more effective burn fat you need to take dumbbells with a maximum weight of 1.5 kg. in the Foot exactly, a little legs apart, should do the slopes. If the slope occurs in the right side, adjust the right arm along with the dumbbells down towards the bottom, while the left hand is raised towards the armpit. With this brush with the handlebars should slide on the body. In the same way, by a movement in the opposite direction. Run must be alternately in each direction to 25-30 times.
  2. Standing squarely, we hold in our hands, outstretched in front of him, dumbbells. Fix the pelvis, the feet that move is not necessary. Cash, turn to the right, the more the system behind your back with your right hand with dumbbell. Via we make similar turn to the left. Alternatively, you should do it for 25-30 such curves in every direction.

Fitball – another valid assistant to eliminate all the fat with problem areas.

  1. We sit on the ball, keeping your back straight and your legs bent in a right angle. Turn the body to the right and to the left, fixing on the ball of the pelvis, the legs do not lift from the floor. You have to do 20 laps in each direction.
  2. When you do this exercise, are involved not only our sites, but also the abdominal muscles, back and legs. Lie on the floor, and fitball closely take to kick. Lift a foot, catching the ball, we remain in this position for 5-7 seconds. Next smoothly back to the starting position. Beginners usually it is not easy to this exercise, then, to begin with, you can do it at least 5 times. With time it will become easier, and can be gradually increase the amount of repetitions up to 15 or 20 times.
  3. Slopes with the use of the ball. We become on their knees, hands take, fitball, raising above his head. The back should be flat, as well as hands. We perform the slopes to the right and to the left, trying as far as possible and get the ball. When we look at the balance, we ensure that the body does not "fill" forward or backward, but remained in a plane with the pelvis. In any case, it is necessary to do for 15-20 slopes.
complex for weight loss

Extremely effective way to lose weight hips in women exercises-bar, benches.

  1. A triangle. This tour helps to strengthen the muscles on your back, legs, abdomen, and also of the interest of parts of the body. Improves, thanks to her, and stretching. The foot is necessary to give a more widely – about 3 width of the shoulders. Turn this right side is pointing outwards, as much as possible. The left toe and turn in degrees for 45. The hands we raise in the hand, with the palm of the hand should look down. Inhalation and exhalation designed to brush with your hands. The hands must keep the position parallel to the floor. Easily cant bust to the right, putting on the right shin with the right hand. The left hand is deviated towards the top. By performing these movements, we must try not to round off boca, but, on the contrary, "involved" in and of themselves. Posture, which is similar to that of a triangle, and must remain, do 10 breaths. Subsequently, the procedure is the same, only in another direction. This exercise promotes effective fat burning.
  2. The belt. Lie down on your side evenly, leaning on the elbow of the right arm. Lift a basin as well, for the body from head to feet looked smooth, the rope taut. Engaged in this position, preferably at least 5-7 seconds. We perform a similar exercise in another direction. Things to do in order to start at least 3-5 times, and with the passage of time, it is possible to increase the number of approaches and time of fixation.

Remove the fat on the hips help excellent variety of twisting, which you can also do at home to lose weight.

  1. Let's go to bed completely on his side, hands the plant to the head. At the same time we remove the torso and legs upwards, performing a twist. Try to keep the body in torsion has remained on the same level. Do 15-20 of such movements in one direction, then the same number in another. You can perform these effective tricks in the different approaches.
  2. Lying on your back, bend the knees into a right angle, the hands system for the head. Raise the body, and are drawn to in this left elbow to your right knee, and then vice versa. Only need to do 15-20 of these movements.
  3. Spread evenly on the floor, pulling the body and feet of each other to the right and then to the left. Do so, and the body, and the legs are left in the position parallel to the floor. You need to do order 20 of these movements.

In addition to these complexes, which are very effective are the lessons with a hula-hoop, round and round "Health". You can include as part of the warm-up, and in the main unit, and with their help, clean the grease with Bochkov.

To achieve fat loss and leanness of the body, it is not necessary for a workout once all of these exercises to slim hips – choose 3-4 for each lesson and do them.

With proper organization of training sessions and their regularity after a couple of weeks you will see the results no matter, at home you have done or are in the room.